It is my belief that the soul in a human body disperses after
death. That does not happen immediately, I envision; but, we become a part of
the greater cosmos and step into another state of being.
I cling to this belief in the hopes that
there is a larger force than us; a being or community of beings which dispense
righteousness in the afterlife. Perhaps the only cure for each person's pain
and suffering is to learn the consequences of one's actions while they were
In death, observing events which make up
our existence is edification for the newly departed. As we rise figuratively or
literally from our bodies, we see the world as a distant entity, and we then detach from the bonds which
keep us within this dimension. Our lives are displayed from creation to the end
and then beyond. We view the past, present,
and the future through an extraterrestrial portal in time, yet we are unable to
speak. There is no verbal expression, no spoken words in the afterlife. We just
are. Whatever guides us, teaches or censures us does so with its presence.
We sense them, and court is held before we finally trespass into oblivion. We are
human, and shall always be in any form. The world descends from view, and we are captivated by its
disappearance, seeking out those we knew and loved for one last time. The path
is clear, and we step ahead to the next scene in the Kinetoscope panorama and
leave behind a single message which we
implore, as only the departed are able to, that it is seen and interpreted.
Clues from those who pass on can be found
in a garden long since left uncultivated with a single rose for a widowed
bride. A music box playing suddenly on a mantle on a little boy’s birthday
after his daddy is gone, or snow on Christmas morning for the daughter who
wanted to make snow angels while wearing new, winter coat that Santa never had
the chance to bring for her. We are still here, and we decide which signs are
for us, and which are mere coincidence, and we deny, deny, deny, until our own
inevitable trial comes. The dead are so powerful.
death departed cosmos clues trial Kinetoscope life rose snow