Michael Kannengieser's Substack Page

November 27, 2007

Pardon Our Appearance! Mr. Grudge Is Having A Makeover

Pardon Our Appearance! Mr. Grudge Is Having A Makeover. I am adding space with a third column and should be up and running by the end of the day. Thanks for your patience.


Anonymous said...

Love the new look Mike. I'm forever trying to tweak my site, so I can understand.

Anonymous said...


You have the same medical condition as I have. Spontaneous Sitetweakanitis. If left untreated, it can have symptoms as little as a wishy washy feeling in your stomach, or full blown code paranoia. I've suffered for years.


Anonymous said...

Looks good Mike! Very neat and well organized.

I've thought about the 3 column layout but thus far haven't made the switch.

Anonymous said...

Mike, I'd love to know how you did this. If there isn't too much pain involved in explaining it, care to elaborate? Looks fantastic!

Saph said...

Looks good Mike and thanks for dropping by my place!


Michael J. Kannengieser said...

Hi JD,
Even though this blog in its current format is only three months old, I've changed it a dozen times at least. Ths sin't the last of it. haha. Thanks for the compliment. -Mike

Michael J. Kannengieser said...

Hi TDee, Ouch, I have Chronic Spontaneous Sitetweakanitis really bad. This is about the 12th time I've played with this template and others like it. I'm actually too
lazy to hack the code of the standard Blogger template to add the 3rd column, so i used this template which I took off the internet. The problem is the fonts and header are locked and I can change the text, but not the font style, background, or text size. Oh well, since I am already afflicted, I'll be switching to something else soon. Thanks for the diagnosis. I'll talk to you soon. -Mike

Michael J. Kannengieser said...

Hi Elaine,
Thanks for the compliment. If you do make te switch, just back up
allof your links, images, and html graphics first. It will take some tme to do this. If you go for it, take your time. Thanks again for stopping by. -Mike

Michael J. Kannengieser said...

Hi Kathy,
You are definitely able to do this, bt it is time consuming, and at least one drawback as far as I can tell. Still, I am happy I did this. Drop me an e-mail and I'd be happy to explain the process to you. I'm always happy to elp out a loal visitor to Mr. Grudge. Thanks for the comment, and thanks for stopping by. -Mike.

Michael J. Kannengieser said...

Hi Mike,
Thanks! I will be at your place often. Thanks for stpping by. -Mike.

Anonymous said...

I like the three column design, Mike! Very organized. :D


Michael J. Kannengieser said...

Hi Kristyn,
I've been wanting to do this for a while, and I'm not quite happy with this particular template, though it is going to stay like this for a while because it was a lot of work to make the switch. But, this set up gives me more room for special messages and the like. Thanks! -Mike