This is one of my favorite films. “What Dreams May Come” is about love, family, loss, pain, and rebirth. The dialogue is moving and brilliant in both its poignance and brevity. The script guides us along a bittersweet romance between two souls eternally connected, and deeply in love. While the couple lives a life they had dreamed of and achieved, they weather the storm of tragic loss, and grapple with guilt and regret. In both this world and beyond, they seek each other and those they lost. The story demonstrates that each scene in our lives, no matter how trivial, can become significant, and a lesson to be learned from. The ending is a remarkable and beautiful conclusion that is also a new beginning. The story, while fantastic in its imagery, is both beautiful and terrifying. The outcome will have the viewer examining their own relationships with their spouse and children. I highly recommend watching this. - M.J. Kannengieser
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