Showing posts with label Brooklyn Navy Yard. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Brooklyn Navy Yard. Show all posts

November 5, 2023

The History Dad


My Dad was more than a lover of books. He was an amateur historian. His library included titles covering WWI, WWII, steam engines, ships (Dad had always wanted to be a ship captain), birds (he was also a birdwatcher), and the Civil War. In addition, he shared his passion for reading with our mother, who typically sat in the living room after supper with a cup of hot tea and a mystery. My siblings and I became accustomed to shelves of literature and history books crammed into every corner of our tiny Cape Cod style home. A professor at a renowned university praised my father’s extensive knowledge of American history, stating that he knows more than the average history professor.

It should have been no surprise the number of books we accounted for in our parents’ home after dad passed away in May 2009. While searching for a box in a crawlspace with a flashlight, I stumbled upon a collection of documents that were significant because they connected to my father’s past occupation.

I dragged the flimsy, cardboard box from the eaves and into my old bedroom. Dripping with sweat and covered in dust, I eyed the contents, which at first glance seemed unimpressive. Many were reports, plain blue and gray government documents. One title grabbed me. On the pale blue cover, in all capital letters across the top, the title said, The United States Strategic Bomb Survey. Underneath, the subtitle read, The Effects of Atomic Bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The words Atomic Bombs were in a much larger font size than the rest of the text.

Other booklets caught my attention, too. The End of the War in the Pacific, Surrender Documents in Facsimile, Germany Surrenders Unconditionally, International Military Trials, Nurnberg, and most impressive, Charter of the United Nations, in five languages. There were about two dozen of these government publications. Their numismatic value is uncertain, their historic significance indisputable, but their worth as family heirlooms, enormous.

Details about how my father came to own this collection of historic papers are sketchy. He worked for the US Navy in the Brooklyn Navy Yard for twenty years. Dad took the job of forklift driver in his late twenties. He was ill for years after his discharge from the army in November 1944, battling pneumonia and various infections–all complications from his wounds, and much more manageable with today’s medicines. There, he took advantage of the many education opportunities offered both by the Navy and through the GI Bill. He studied accounting, management, and mechanics. By the end of his twenty-year tenure, he worked in an office as a labor liaison between the unions and the government. The records of his employment gave few clues how he would gain access to this trove of government journals. In another box, I discovered a newspaper. The Navy published a weekly newspaper for its employees. On the front page, in the lower, right-hand corner, I noticed a picture of a group of men and women in business attire. Among the names mentioned in the caption was my father’s He was in the back row, taller than many of them, smiling, and according to the description, named to the NSA Library Committee.

As a member of a library commission, he could easily acquire the items I uncovered in his home. However, I have not confirmed if the NSA organization he worked for was indeed the National Security Agency, or a defunct branch of the government. Perhaps I don’t want to unravel the mystery surrounding my father’s trove of important booklets. The tiny enigma accompanying them adds an aura to the memory of my father as a man who had influence above the ordinary capacity of a lower-middle-class family man. I think my father kept these because of their historical importance. I’m certain he knew I would find and value them as he did before he passed away. If only he had told me about them earlier, I wouldn’t have had to go through the trouble of getting them from the dusty eaves.





March 19, 2023

Amazon Review: The Heart of Velletri

The Heart of Velletri spans three generations of a Long Island family, mainly focusing on the most recent as the son and grandson comes to terms with the legacy of his criminal grandfather, whom he never knew, and his father, whom he deeply admired. He eventually learns of his father's experiences in World War II but more importantly engages his father's legacy as a guide to his own complicated life.

The book weaves the generations together in an often painfully honest exploration of the central character's coming to terms with his identity as a man, as a son, as a father, and as a husband. Although the book's focus is almost exclusively on its male characters, it gives a strong and credible sense of troubled growth. - William G. Luhr

See Reviews: Click Here

Michael Koenigsmann is a police officer and the son of a World War II veteran. Michael spends his life investigating how his father was wounded in battle, left for dead, and nearly buried alive during the Italian Campaign. His father, Gene, won’t reveal what had happened to him while overseas. Michael is fascinated when he learns that his late grandfather, Alphonse, was a gangster during the Great Depression. Also, Alphonse was a veteran of World War I. Michael’s journey begins with him trying to discover how his father survived the war and came home to lead the life of a devout Catholic, rather than be influenced by the criminal lifestyle of his father. At the end of his life, Gene tells Michael his story. He honors his father by arranging for a congressman to present Gene with his Purple Heart which he never received for nearly dying in the Battle of Velletri. After Gene’s death, he must accept his own shortcomings as a father and as a husband to move on with his life.

October 24, 2019

New Novel! The Heart of Velletri

Read my latest novel, "The Heart of Velletri." Here is the story synopsis:
Michael Koenigsmann is a police officer and the son of a World War II veteran. Michael spends his life investigating how his father was wounded in battle, left for dead, and nearly buried alive during the Italian Campaign. His father, Gene, won’t reveal what had happened to him while overseas. Michael is fascinated when he learns that his late grandfather, Alphonse, was a gangster during the Great Depression. Also, Alphonse was a veteran of World War I. Michael’s journey begins with him trying to discover how his father survived the war and came home to lead the life of a devout Catholic, rather than be influenced by the criminal lifestyle of his father. At the end of his life, Gene tells Michael his story. He honors his father by arranging for a congressman to present Gene with his Purple Heart which he never received for nearly dying in the Battle of Velletri. After Gene’s death, he must accept his own shortcomings as a father and as a husband to move on with his life. The Heart of Velletri is available on Amazon in print and Kindle.

August 14, 2011

A Ghost in the Dunes

On the second tier at the Nikon Theater at Jones Beach, I settled into my seat for the big concert. My wife and I took our kids to see My Chemical Romance and Blink 182 for the Tenth Anniversary Honda Civic Tour. Though it was quite a while since I attended a show at this arena, I have a long history at Jones Beach State Park.

My father was a World War II veteran who worked for the Brooklyn Navy Yard for twenty years. Upon his retirement, he got a job with the now-defunct Long Island State Park Commission. He spent his time traveling back and forth between Robert Moses State Park, Captree, and Jones Beach. During the summer, he’d take my brothers and sisters and me to any of the fields at Robert Moses and leave us while he went about his duties. I was the fifth child out of six, and my older sister was well-equipped to keep a careful eye on us younger ones while we splashed around in the waves.

It was comforting to see Dad stop by in one of the park vehicles to check on us. He’d have a worried expression on his face, wondering if we were having a good time and if there was any danger of leaving us alone. Back in the late 1960s and early 1970s, when we visited our summer paradise, a tradition was born.

I remember riding with Dad in a green, state-owned truck as he went about his routine. He seemed important wherever he went, and he loved what he did immensely. It was the environment, the ocean and the dunes, which made him inhale deeply and smile as he scanned the horizon. I always sensed that he felt lucky to be so close to nature and to visit such a beautiful place each day. As he was not a wealthy man, his appreciation for the parks is his legacy for his family.

My wife and I make it a point to take our kids to the beach in the warm months. During winter, we eat bagels and drink coffee and juice while watching wild deer from inside our parked car at Robert Moses. When friends are in town, I bring them on a tour of the area, and I convey what I know about each location as I recall what my dad taught me. The iconic water towers, the lengthy bridges, the bathhouses, all fell under his purview. My father helped maintain these landmarks. His fingers touched steel beams and stone, which tens of thousands see each day during summer.

All that was part of my childhood is present still after my father’s passing. The striped umbrellas, boardwalks, concession stands, saltwater taffy, and the amphitheater are as enduring as my precious, early memories. As I sat in the fold-down seat at the Nikon Theater last Saturday with my family, I was host to a stadium full of strangers. My life took root in this very place. In the waters to my left, boaters awaited a musical performance. Overhead, clouds winked with a suggestion of rain, and to my right, beachgoers bid farewell to the sand and the ocean for the evening. I sat back and imagined that among the wavy crests of sand dunes, in the inky shadows stretching wide, my father was smiling, and at home in the park he loved so dearly.

By Michael J. Kannengieser

Photo by M.J. Kannengieser