August 19, 2011
I Have These, and I Am Lucky
August 18, 2011
Have Phone, Will Shoot -- Pictures
August 14, 2011
A Ghost in the Dunes
On the second tier at the Nikon Theater
at Jones Beach, I settled into my seat for the big concert. My wife and I took
our kids to see My Chemical Romance and Blink 182 for the Tenth Anniversary
Honda Civic Tour. Though it was quite a while since I attended a show at this
arena, I have a long history at Jones Beach State Park.
My father was a World War II
veteran who worked for the Brooklyn Navy Yard for twenty years. Upon his
retirement, he got a job with the now-defunct Long Island State Park
Commission. He spent his time traveling back and forth between Robert Moses
State Park, Captree, and Jones Beach. During the summer, he’d take my brothers
and sisters and me to any of the fields at Robert Moses and leave us while he
went about his duties. I was the fifth child out of six, and my older sister
was well-equipped to keep a careful eye on us younger ones while we splashed
around in the waves.
It was comforting to see Dad stop
by in one of the park vehicles to check on us. He’d have a worried expression
on his face, wondering if we were having a good time and if there was any
danger of leaving us alone. Back in the late 1960s and early 1970s, when we
visited our summer paradise, a tradition was born.
I remember riding with Dad in a
green, state-owned truck as he went about his routine. He seemed important
wherever he went, and he loved what he did immensely. It was the environment,
the ocean and the dunes, which made him inhale deeply and smile as he scanned
the horizon. I always sensed that he felt lucky to be so close to nature and to
visit such a beautiful place each day. As he was not a wealthy man, his
appreciation for the parks is his legacy for his family.
My wife and I make it a point to
take our kids to the beach in the warm months. During winter, we eat bagels and
drink coffee and juice while watching wild deer from inside our parked car at
Robert Moses. When friends are in town, I bring them on a tour of the area, and
I convey what I know about each location as I recall what my dad taught me. The
iconic water towers, the lengthy bridges, the bathhouses, all fell under his
purview. My father helped maintain these landmarks. His fingers touched steel
beams and stone, which tens of thousands see each day during summer.
All that was part of my childhood
is present still after my father’s passing. The striped umbrellas, boardwalks,
concession stands, saltwater taffy, and the amphitheater are as enduring as my
precious, early memories. As I sat in the fold-down seat at the Nikon Theater
last Saturday with my family, I was host to a stadium full of strangers. My
life took root in this very place. In the waters to my left, boaters awaited a
musical performance. Overhead, clouds winked with a suggestion of rain, and to
my right, beachgoers bid farewell to the sand and the ocean for the evening. I
sat back and imagined that among the wavy crests of sand dunes, in the inky
shadows stretching wide, my father was smiling, and at home in the park he
loved so dearly.
By Michael J. Kannengieser
Photo by M.J. Kannengieser
July 20, 2011
When Faith Died
December 9, 2009
Seasons Of Living

This is the first Christmas season without my mother and father and it has hit me hard. Granted, I am a middle aged man with a family, and there are those who have suffered greater losses while much younger. Still, my children miss them very much, and their passing left a big hole in our lives. Also, not having parents leaves me at the top of the family tree along with my brothers and sisters. I’m too young for that, I think.
My nieces and nephews are either in college or getting ready to go. My daughter is in high school and we are already picking out universities from websites and catalogs. My son will be entering middle school next September, and I feel like life is sailing past me rapidly. I’m in my forties, sliding down the back end of the hill. There’s nothing but gray hair and an A.A.R.P. membership in my future. I’m not unhappy, but I have a vague sense that I lack accomplishment.
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October 7, 2009
Public Relations & You

I’ve been asked by a professor at the college where I am employed to deliver a lecture on public relations. My speech is tailored to the young, inexperienced, undergraduates in her class. The main theme will focus on how the demeanor and appearance of job seekers influences potential employers.
In my other professional life, I am managing editor for fiction for an international literary magazine. In that role I get to read some well written stories. In many cases, however, I must turn writers down in short order. My duty is to accept only the best a writer has to offer which complements the style accepted by the periodical I work for. I am intolerant towards authors who submit poorly written query letters which do not provide a plot summary or begin with a salutation. Many of the e-mails I receive are composed like text messages and expose the authors as incompetent writers. This brings me to my earlier ideas on public relations.
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August 15, 2009
A Learning Moment

“Do you want to know what the President did today?” I asked my ten year old son. He wasn’t paying attention as he was playing Nintendo. With my laptop on, I scrolled through news websites with the TV on in the background.
He came over to see what I was talking about. There was a picture on the Drudge Report of President Obama, Vice President Biden, Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates Jr., and Sgt. James Crowley. This was the scene which the President hoped for, a “teaching moment.”
My son asked me what I was talking about and I showed him the photo. I then explained about the arrest of Professor Gates and the misunderstanding about race, and why it became important for President Obama to preside over this meeting. My son sensed that this was a significant story. He nodded his head and listened as I spoke. “He’s doing a good thing, he’s a nice president” he said. He paused over the laptop a moment longer and I patted him on the back.
As a former New York City police officer, I can closely relate to Sgt. Crowley and his handling of the burglary investigation. I’ve never been accused of racial profiling in my career; yet, I can detail incidents where bystanders expressed antipathy towards the white officers present at the scene. Upon reading the report of the incident at Professors Gates’ home, my reaction was to side with Sgt. Crowley.
August 13, 2009
Phone Envy

My wireless carrier offered me a brand new phone if I added another line. So far, there are three names on our account: my wife, my fourteen year old daughter, and of course, me. Our daughter was the first to chime in on the topic.
July 5, 2009
The Business of Men

Mr. Lowman was a mechanic who relied upon Mr. Hoyt to supply him with the components he needed to run a part-time auto repair business from his garage. We lived in a blue collar neighborhood and it was necessary for people to work more than one job in order to make ends meet. My dad was no exception.
As a boy of maybe five or six years old, I’d watch Mr. Hoyt amble across the street to our home to meet with my dad, leaving his sons to tend to the business of off-loading tires and other items. Dad would greet him at our front door and invite him inside to discuss their particular deals over a cup of coffee in the kitchen. During the holidays, they’d sip whiskey in the dining room like gentlemen, as they would not drink in front of my mother.
My dad was an oil burner mechanic. Mr. Hoyt, being the type of business man he was, knew folks who needed work done and found people to do the work for them. He could rely on my father to answer his phone in the middle of the night and then run out to fix an ailing boiler during the cold, winter months. I am still not sure what the arrangement between the two of them was; but, my father was happy to greet him, and Mr. Hoyt always walked away with a smile and an envelope.
There was nothing peculiar about a grown man providing products and services to the mechanics and utility men of my neighborhood. However, the era of my childhood was the 1960’s and Mr. Hoyt was an African American. One needs to remember these were the years when the late Dr. Martin Luther King was leading peaceful marches across the south, and ultimately in
He was a fixture in our lives until I entered high school, and when my Dad found another line of work which was more lucrative and did not require him breaking his back. Mr. Hoyt still visited his other client across the street from us. In his later years, his beard turned white and his body became slightly stooped, as he was a lot older than the men he provided both parts and work for. By then, his sons did most of the driving and heavy lifting, and my dad still invited him inside for coffee when he came around.
In my early childhood, he was the only black man I was familiar with. Yet, as welcome as he was in our home and Mr. Lowman’s, others were not as tolerant.
A man named Slater who once lived in the house next to Mr. Lowman, originally hailed from
Mr. Slater liked me and would often wave as I rode my bike up and down the street with my friends. One particular Fourth of July, when I was about twelve or thirteen years old he draped his detestable Confederate flag on the wall of his porch again. I reminded him that
He didn’t wave so much to me anymore after that little history lesson. How he reconciled his bitter, racist beliefs with his genial, yet inhibited relationship with Mr. Hoyt was beyond me.
When I was a boy, I understood the awkwardness of whites and blacks doing business in a world of hate, mistrust, and segregation. There were the cold stares of those who drove past his truck piled high with vehicle parts, and with his two teenaged sons in the front seat waiting patiently for their father. The young men would look away or talk quietly while ignoring those who could not identify with my dad and our neighbor who invited a black man to our quaint row of homes.
In the decades since those days when Mr. Hoyt took his commerce wherever he saw fit, our society has changed. One could not appreciate how dramatically different it is now if they did not witness a business man having to tread carefully down a suburban street just to make a living, compared to just a few days ago our nation elected a man to become the next president who also happens to be African American.
I do not know where Mr. Hoyt is today or even if he is still alive. However, I believe that his sons appreciate now, more than ever, the fortitude and courage displayed by their father as he drove down boulevards and across racial divides to conduct the business of men.