The recreation of my blog back in September of 2007 was important to me in more ways that I imagined. This forum, the writing experience in this space, has improved my life. I’ve been able to express myself with more clarity using the written word than I ever have before. My past efforts have focused more on my novels and short stories. Here, I have authored essays, articles, and stories based on my personal life which helped me to edify my soul, if you will.
There have been blessings, as well. In this giant world full of folks with different lifestyles and ideas, I have formed bonds with many who live in all parts of the globe. Some of these relationships have been fleeting, others more enduring, and some more important to me in terms of partnership than others. I value all of my readers, friends, and acquaintances here in the blogging cosmos. Yet, there is one blogger with whom I’ve forged a writing venture with and he has created an entity which I am honored to belong to. This is a group where he has dubbed me as one of the founding members. The writer of whom I speak is JD, author of The Uneasy Supplicant, and I am a proud member of the Midnight Wanderers.
Those of you who visit my website regularly may have noticed the emblem of the crow with the red “MW” emblazoned on it in the upper, right hand corner (image is shown in this post). This icon was created by the talented JD (as well as the idea for the Midnight Wanderers), and inspired by the notion that writers often have their best ideas at night, even at “two in the morning” as we often jest. This badge assumes that the person with this image on their blog has the necessary skills, drive, creativity, and dedication to advance and improve the craft of writing. I’ve been corresponding with JD for many months now, and we share the common objective of creating fine fiction, essays, poems, and articles. We proudly call ourselves writers, and we wish to bring others into our circle. The rules are simple and are posted here and on JD’s blog, The Uneasy Supplicant.
This is a proud moment for me and for JD. It is more than a badge of honor; it is a promise to always work toward writing excellence. This was the original purpose of my blog, and I consider this momentous occasion a launching point to refocus my efforts and to write as well as my abilities allow. In due time, in conjunction with JD, I wish to bring others into The Midnight Wanderers. Thank you all for reading Mr. Grudge and The Uneasy Supplicant.
The Rules of the Midnight Wanderers:
Everyone will have the designation of Official Member. New members may suggest another blogger for membership; but in order to maintain the true spirit of The Midnight Wanderers, the founding members must review them for admission.
If someone is offered the badge and refuses to display it, that is their right; however, they will not be able to call themselves a member of the Midnight Wanderers. If they change their mind and want to join after a refusal, they can be inducted after writing an essay proving their value to the founding members. The essay’s length and subject matter is to be determined by the founding members, will be tailored to the abilities of the blogger in question, and will be posted on their blog for a three day period.
Membership of any new member may be revoked at any time by a consensus vote of the founding members for any conduct, which calls into suspicion their dedication the cause of the Midnight Wanderers, degrades the group, or demeans another member of the Midnight Wanderers, or if that member engages in hate speech demeaning another’s race, ethnicity, religion, or national origin.
All members of the Midnight Wanderers will exhibit high standards for writing, a dedication to their craft, and continue to promote the craft of the written word with their unique styles and literary voice. That is the mission of the Midnight Wanderers.
*If you have any questions or comments, please e-mail me, or contact JD over at The Uneasy Supplicant. Thank you all.
author Blog The Uneasy Supplicant Writers Writing
WOW Mike. I wish I had been as eloquent as you in posting the creation of the Midnight Wanderer Society. Excellent job. I'm honored to count you as a founding member and hope that this venture forward is only the beginning.
Hi JD,
This a great day for writers. You've done well, and I am happy to be aboard, my friend. We shall do important things with this. -Michael.
Wow. I'm so impressed. Kudos to you and JD. You are both excellant writers. Good luck with your new venture.
I'm going to check it out now.
Very interesting concept. Also, that's a super logo. From what I've read, I really can't think of anybody better to begin a project like this than the both of you.
Good luck, and have a nice day.
Brilliant idea M2, sounds like a mark of quality, which is needed in the blogosphere which has some amazing writers, but also some absolute rubbish from people just wanting to make a fast buck, and high hits on their blogs without any quality.
Good luck with it. Hope it becomes accepted as a mark of quality.
I checked out JD's post...thank you both. This is a very interesting thing you're beginning here, and I'm honored that you've invited me to join the society.
NYC is great...but I still haven't gotten my feet under me yet. I'll tell you about it soon!
I hope all is well!
Hi Lisa,
I want to let you know, in case you did not receive my shout at Blog Catalog that JD and I have invited you to join our Midnight Wanderers. I respect your writing, and I believe that you practice the craft of writing with the same ideals which we wish to perpetuate with this society of authors. -Mike
Hi Swubird,
"From what I've read, I really can't think of anybody better to begin a project like this than the both of you.
Aw man, I am flattered beyond words, Swubird. Thank you. I mean it. -Mike
Hi M1!
"...but also some absolute rubbish from people just wanting to make a fast buck, and high hits on their blogs without any quality.
You're quite correct, sir. There are too many loking for traffic, traffic, traffic, and have ZILCH for content. I get all kinds of offers from folks looking to cash in on my readers with some link form Mr. Grudge to their website where nothing is going on. Thanks for the kind words and for your support, my friend. -Mike (M2)
I need to come up with some kind of nickname for you, buddy! We are so glad to have you aboard, and to hear from you again. I thought you got swallowed up by Gotham City. The irony, when you lived in Texas, I heard from you all the time. You move here, an hour's drive from me, and I hear from you once a month, lol. Anyway, I am glad you're back, hanging on, and making it in New York; because as the song says: "If you can make it here, you can make it anywhere...New York, New York." Congratulations, Andrew.
Mike this is wonderful!! You and JD are both really amazing writers. I agree whole heartedly with swubird, I can think of no one better to have begun such a venture!
Very best,
Cool idea, I've learned a lot from you and JD about writing, some of it has got to rub off onto me, eventually, lol.
Hi Kristyn,
Welcome aboard, fellow Midnight Wanderer!
Hi Bob,
"Cool idea, I've learned a lot from you and JD about writing, some of it has got to rub off onto me, eventually, lol.
We all learn from each other Bob. I have become a huge fan of your blog as you so passionate about what you do and it spills onto the page with each of your posts. When I think of you, shivering in front of a camera on a tripod at five a.m. to catch a shot of Venus, I realize that you are one dedicated man. Thank you for your kind words here, and thanks for creating an inspiring and quality blog. -Mike
Great idea! Many congrats to you for becoming a "founder"! I don't know that I'd qualify since my blog is more a collection of rambles, even though I am a writer and a good portion of my readers are as well. I do, however, have a high regard for the written word.
I'm the "mentor" at The Bar, where I do most of my writing. I'm the one who is always helping everyone else with their editing and their skills. I just have fun on my blog though! LOL
Very cool creation and accomplishment, Mike! I like the Raven too. Heh heh. ;)
Hi Winter,
I'm am pleased to meet you and I've been checking out your blog. There is plenty of time to chat and talk about writing here on my humble blog. Thanks for you comments here about the Midnight Wanderers. This group is in its infancy, but we have high hopes for it. Still, I want to get to know all of my readers, and i appreciate all of you. I am glad you shared the fact that you are the mentor at The Bar, as share with you the concept that such things lead to great writing. the purpose here with the MWs is to have passion about writing "even at two o'clock in the morning" (hence the name Midnight Wanderers) and to always create your best possible work. Read the blogs who belong and see that all types of writers are invloved. I am so happy that you came here to read. I am always flattered to discover someone new here. We like to have fun in this space and I try to cover every type of topic as it relates to creating fiction. I am definitely going to read more of your blog as it is very interesting and you have an honest voice in your writing. Thanks for visiting, Winter, it's a pleasure to meet you. -Mike.
where is everyone now?
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