What I wish to do here is find that voice in my head which told me stories when I was bored. I need to share, and to find acceptance, and gain stature with my words. That is the goal for numerous with blogs out there. Many are much more inventive than I can ever hope to be. Today, I wonder where I have landed. I feel as though I’ve reached a milestone; but the paradox for me is exactly where on the map does this place me as I did not know where I would go when I created this blog?
I can suppose that I may have touched a few folks with my writing. My responses from readers have been overwhelmingly positive. This makes me wonder when my dreadful post is coming. There is no way I am that good, I ponder. This notion gnaws at me, controls my lively fingers as they tap away at my keyboard while I fashion another essay or story for posting in this space. I’ll simply do what I am able to, the best I can muster, and hope that I am hearing the correct outcome; that I never determine that I have reached any sort of summit. My objective is and always was to publish my novels, and perhaps I’ve drifted off the trail which can lead me in that direction. The blogging world proffers a brilliant audience, benevolent, and kind, in their feedback. May I never betray you and always be gracious for your attention.
What I need to do is refocus my energy on my larger writing projects. I’ve strayed from this intention and have been relying too heavily on telling personal anecdotes and mining the depths of my sorrow over the deaths of friends and loved ones. I need explore my writing methods and only occasionally invite my readers into my private thoughts with a tale from my past. These stories and other odd posts serve as practice for me, and I need to remember that. I’ve put the cart before horse and it is necessary to back up and reassess my stated purpose; yet, always, yes always, bear in mind that my readers are important to my improvement, and that they deserve the best I have to offer. This is a delicate balance, but one which I need to challenge myself to achieve. My project is clearer now: remain loyal to my idea, explore my craft’s boundaries, be diligent in its practice, and realize that I can always do better. I owe this to myself, and to my wonderful, discerning, and charitable readers. Thank you.
essay memory method practice purpose readers short story task writing
Sometimes reading your words is like listening to a tape recorder echoing back to me. You mirror my thoughts so well. I think that seasoned writers, wanna-be writers and those who would just like to have been published all suffer the same mood swings. Can I do it? Am I focused? What am I doing here? Should do something else? Who knows the answers to those questions. They're all so personal. But I like the way you put it at the end. Do the very best you can, and never short change your readers. Strive for excellence. That's the essence. And if you do that, how bad can it be?
A loyal reader.
Very interesting on how like minds think alike. I actually posted a monologue recently about that same reflection. I am captivated and really interested to follow your blog and the Midnight Wanderer.
I would love to add you to my blog list of friends, if you don't mind? I try to be selective with the content I like to represent. From the likes of Swubird's previous comment, I too would like to be a loyal reader as well.
True Mike, however no matter what we write we hone our skills. Personally I don't think you've been putting the cart before the horse. You're writing is excellent and personal. It has its own flair. If you feel you are in a rut then mix it up somewhat. Try new ideas new styles of writing and throw it out there. You have a loyal fan base. I'm sure everyone will enjoy anything you publish on your blog.
It's interesting how this sentimentality you are feeling is pervasive in todays blogs. I wonder what it is? Whatever you strive for you will accomplish.
Your words always touch me, Mike, no matter the subject. You have a way with words. It's always good to step back from one's endeavors and reevaluate why we've chosen to under take them. I applaud your efforts to adhere to your purpose. I agree with JD, however. I think your writing is interesting and heartfelt and an excellent demonstration of what you're trying to achieve. As always, I'll be here to read what you have to say!
Very best,
Well, I wrote a comment earlier today and an error popped up, something about duplicate post. I'll try this again, perhaps I'm just having a cookie problem (I've just eaten the tops of 2 cup cakes so I think I also have an icing problem). What I wanted to say was that I love the way you write where I can clearly imagine the situation you are in. This is from most of your non fiction writing. I'm really looking forward to perhaps a glimpse of a fictional novel or short story from you...
Love your ability to reach the average Joe. By reading blogs like yours, I hoped to have learned a little about a craft I have very little knowledge about.
I guess everyone reaches the crossroad at some point and then what to do? We are stuck for a moment perhaps and then we choose and get going again. This happens to me often; in fact, sometimes I stray off the road completely, but eventually I find my way back. We all do.....
me think one ought to follow the heart; but not to the extend that it starts to gnaw on it.
Good luck with your resolve, Mike. Living can become like a balancing or juggling act at times. The main thing, I feel, is to remain true to yourself (oneself) and who you believe you have it in yourself to be.
"This makes me wonder when my dreadful post is coming.
Not possible. It's just not. I am a loyal reader, as well. You're following your heart and we will follow you, whichever way the road takes you. That is, if you don't mind that gaggle of people staring at you in your rearview mirror.
Nice blog
welcome to my blog
Hi Swubird,
"...Strive for excellence. That's the essence. And if you do that, how bad can it be?
I guess you're right, Swubird. Thanks for the vote of confidence. You're a good blogging buddy. -Mike.
Hi 1verse,
Thank you very much for stopping by and reading my blog. I think we may have some friends in common in the blogging world. Also, I've started reading your blog last night and I like what I've read. How long have you been living in Cina? That is so facinating, living in sch a beautiful country rich with history.
to quote from your comment:
"I would love to add you to my blog list of friends, if you don't mind? I try to be selective with the content I like to represent.
Thank you very much for adding me to your list of friends. I will do the same for you as I enjoy meeting new writers dedicated to their craft. Thanks again for stopping by, and I look forward to reading more of your blog.
Hi JD,
"If you feel you are in a rut then mix it up somewhat. Try new ideas new styles of writing and throw it out there.
Thanks, buddy. I'll mix it up. I already have some new ideas. They will take a bit more work, but it is worth the effort. Talk to you later about the wandderers.
Hi Kristyn,
Congratulations again, Midnight Wanderer. We're proud to have you aboard.
"It's always good to step back from one's endeavors and reevaluate why we've chosen to under take them.
Yes, I have taken a step back, and I have some minor changes planned for the way I write here. Thanks so much for the vote of confidence. I'll talk to you soon. Mike.
Hi 1st Lady,
I hope you got over your cup cake frosting porblem, lol.
"I'm really looking forward to perhaps a glimpse of a fictional novel or short story from you...
Well, you asked for it. These are the links for two short fiction stories I publisehd here a while back:
If the links do not work by clicking them here, just copy and paste them into the address bar in your browser. I hope you like thses stories, and thanks for your kind words here. -Mike
Hi Bob,
You know, I appreciate that you like the fact that I can reach the average Joe. My method is to try to write in a way that I want the reader to forget that they are actually reading. You know what I mean? I do not want to do anything referential or gimmicky which tells the reader that I think I am clever. Thanks for reading and for your support. -Mike.
Hi Fearless Blog,
I love the title of your blog, ad writers should be fearless to explore the language and dare to be creative.
"We are stuck for a moment perhaps and then we choose and get going again. This happens to me often; in fact, sometimes I stray off the road completely, but eventually I find my way back. We all do...
I suppose we all do eventually find our way again. And, getting support from the blogging community, folks like you, has helped enormously. Thank you. -Mike
Hi Footiam,
I can always count on you leaving wise words here. Thank you.
Hi Paul,
Thanks for your support. I guess being true to yourself is the most important part of rediscovery. I would not want to become the writer I am not, to be flowery, or provactive, or write in another manner which is not the same as my real, literary voice. Thanks, Paul.
You make me proud to practice my craft. Your kind words and support are deeply appreciated. Thanks for being there. -Mike.
"Nice blog
welcome to my blog
You have a nice blog too. Thanks for stopping by. -Mike.
Hey Mike, whatever you do here is great, and unique. Through life I always tried to compete with others, but I find it that instead of focusing my energy what others do, I focused on what I can do and how well I can do, even if I am just average. People will like you for your originality. So what you got here is unique, and we all as readers enjoy it very much, and we should be the one to thank you. Great post as always, Anna :)
Mr. Grudge, I too am a writer. The fact about writing is that the journey never ends. You always find something new to learn. You should see my notebooks. LOL One day I hope to stop adding to them and start reading.
I'm finishing up a mainstream novel and have sent a children's story to an illustrator. Next is a nature journal. Oh, the adventure!
The best of luck with all of your future successes! You're a great and needed addition to the blogosphere! :D
Thank you so much for your kind words welcoming me into the Midnight Wanderers Society. I am honored to be invited. I have bookmarked your site, and look forward to coming back to read more of your writing. Have a great day!
I never considered myself a "writer" per se until very recently. Since I was very young I have loved to draw, paint and sculpt, but rarely took up the pen to create. When I started my blog, I simply spewed a boring diary of my day to day experiences. Now I think I have finally found my "voice" and strive to refine and improve it with every post.
Not only has blogging brought me many wonderful acquaintances, it has given me a reason to practice this other artistic medium.
And for that, I am grateful.
I've been thinking similar things. I love my blog and how it stimulates my mind and forces me to constantly look for material and see the positive in the world. But...I've lost track of my latest novel. I don't work on it like I should. I don't spend time on the bigger work and it's harder for me when I do.
That's why I accepted the Midnight Wanderers badge. It couldn't have come at a better time. I need to get back to my larger career goals and focus on the world I have to create in my new novel..it's ambitious and that's why I've been hiding out on my blog.
Thanks for echoing my thougths.
Hi Annan,
"...I focused on what I can do and how well I can do, even if I am just average.
That is so true. I suppose I'll do what I can and see how everything works out. This piece was also about taking the time to finish my larger works of fiction. But, this blog is so important because of nice folks such as you who visit here. Thanks, Anna. -Mike.
Hi Nature Nut/JJ Loch,
"You should see my notebooks. LOL One day I hope to stop adding to them and start reading."
I think that all writers eventually begin to do the same things and think the same way, lol. It's a pleasure to meet you, and thanks for stopping by. -Mike.
Hi Jane,
"Thank you so much for your kind words welcoming me into the Midnight Wanderers Society.
I'm sorry it tok me so long to respond to this comment, but my work is crazy lately. I wish to thank you for accepting our invitation and contributing to our society of dedicated writers. We can all learn from each other, and hopefully, improve our craft and set a new tone for those who wish to pursue this wondeerful art form. I've been reading your wrok, and I can relate to much of what your write. It's a pleasure to have you among us, and I look forward to reading more of your writing. Thanks again. -Mike.
Hi Maureen,
"I never considered myself a "writer" per se until very recently.
It is that moment of self-discovery, I think, which is important in every writer's devopment. I visited your blog for the first time today, and I love your voice as it is personal and has a friendly tone. I want to thank you so much for stopping by here to read. It is flattering to see someone new drop by and leave a commnet. I want to reach as many folks as I am able to and just make folks laugh or peek in on my existence with my personal essays. All writers never fel satisfied; nor do they feel competant enough to handle everything. We take babay steps even through familiar territory. There is humility here, in the writer's den,and it is the mark of someone who will be careful in their craft, work hard towards their goals, and to consistently produce quality work. Thanks again, for coming here. I will return to your blog and read more. Also, you are welcome to my humble, little blog anytime. It was apleasure to meet you. -Mike.
Hi Lisa,
We are the ones who should be grateful to you forclimbing aboard with us. I've been inspired by your writing ever since I discovered your blog way back when.
"But...I've lost track of my latest novel. I don't work on it like I should. I don't spend time on the bigger work and it's harder for me when I do."
Those are my sentiments exactly. I feel as though I've lost track of my larger works of fiction. But, the results here are so rewarding. The key for me will be to learn balance. That is why I feel I will always have much to learn about htis wonderful craft we practice. Thanks, Lisa. And, welcome. -Mike.
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