March 2, 2025

Remembering Ronnie James Dio - The Last in Line [Live at The Spectrum 1984]

I was lucky enough to see Ritchie Blackmore’s Rainbow when I was in high school. AC/DC opened for them, and Bonn Scott was amazing. Still, I was there primarily to see the man himself, Ronnie James Dio. While I already loved Rainbow, it was Dio whom I worshipped. His powerful voice made him larger than the rock chords blasting in the background. Those who know me will recall my love for Led Zeppelin. But as unique as Robert Plant’s voice is, Plant often forgot song lyrics in concert, and slurred his words both live and recorded. Dio’s voice was both strong, and measured. He left nothing on the stage and gave every performance his all. Singers and vocal coaches regale his style and technique to this day. Whether in Rainbow, Black Sabbath, or solo, Ronnie James Dio was a giant among giants. We lost Ronnie in 2010. But I will always be a fan. To The Man on the Silver Mountain, RIP. - M.J. Kannengieser

Movie Review: WHAT DREAMS MAY COME Trailer (1998) | Classic Trailer

This is one of my favorite films. “What Dreams May Come” is about love, family, loss, pain, and rebirth. The dialogue is moving and brilliant in both its poignance and brevity. The script guides us along a bittersweet romance between two souls eternally connected, and deeply in love. While the couple lives a life they had dreamed of and achieved, they weather the storm of tragic loss, and grapple with guilt and regret. In both this world and beyond, they seek each other and those they lost. The story demonstrates that each scene in our lives, no matter how trivial, can become significant, and a lesson to be learned from. The ending is a remarkable and beautiful conclusion that is also a new beginning. The story, while fantastic in its imagery, is both beautiful and terrifying. The outcome will have the viewer examining their own relationships with their spouse and children. I highly recommend watching this. - M.J. Kannengieser

Kathy McCarty Cover Version of "I Had a Dream" by Daniel Johnston

This is a remarkable, tasteful, and loving rendition of the song I had a dream, by the late Daniel Johnston. Daniel spent his life battling mental illness, yet he attained success in music and art with a dedicated cult fanbase. This song is covered, along with others on the album Dead Dog’s Eyeball, by Kathy McCarty, Daniel’s onetime girlfriend. Kathy’s somewhat jazzy, yet soulful, and bittersweet version of this tune lends itself to playing in a smoky nightclub or on a rainy afternoon with a cup of coffee. Kathy’s voice is beautiful and recognizes the heartache Daniel felt when composing this song. The unrequited love he felt for Laurie Allen, a young, beautiful woman he met in college, inspires this tune, and so many others of Daniel’s. Laurie was a friend, and she married a funeral director and moved away. All of this became grist for Daniel’s songs and artwork. Listen to this song and appreciate its inspiration and enjoy the heartfelt, yet whimsical lyrics. You’ll understand why a person can get close to someone yet still be so far away. This is my new favorite song.

Greetings -- I Suppose

 I hate buying cards. Birthdays, weddings, anniversaries, glad you didn’t die —— it’s a chore. There never seems to be an appropriate message inside, or the artwork is simply silly, or meaningless. Happy Anniversary: here’s a couple sitting in a canoe on a lake. Get well soon: here’s a dog wearing a cast on one of its legs. Haha! I’d rather flee a swarm of angry wasps, or accidentally walk in on a Satanic human sacrifice than shop for a card. Like I said, I hate buying cards, and if you get one from me, either my wife bought it, or I must really, really like you.

January 5, 2024

Swing On By Emergency Room

  At first, I thought that this was a joke. It’s a serious toy set sold on Amazon, and it came up in my feed. Any parent who buys this for their kids either loves visiting the emergency room or hates their children. Seriously, a swing hung from a tension bar in a doorway? First, when we were kids, we treated swing sets like launch pads to the moon. We would pump hard enough so that we swung back and forth higher than the bar. And what kid wouldn’t be tempted to jump off the damn thing, whether it’s indoors or outside? Crash! Right into the China cabinet. Or the kid jumps and flies through a plate-glass window. Even if nothing else, the kid swings high enough to bonk their head on the ceiling. Also, do you think that flimsy tension bar is strong enough to not break off? We used to rock the entire swing set hard enough to pull the poles out of the ground. Even if the parents have the skills and tools to install it properly, the molding trim around the door will rip off, sending the kid flying. Put the swing aside and look at what comes with it: a knotted rope and a rope ladder. Watch the kids accidentally hang themselves with the knotted rope while playing a 21st century version of Tarzan. Also, count the minutes until the kids get the idea to dangle the rope ladder out of a window to scale down the side of their house and then plunge to their death. Amazing. Do I sound like a parent, or what? I survived childhood in the 1960s and 1970s when playgrounds culled the weak and unlucky from the herd. Concrete, steel, and scraped knees are what I remember. Because of that, I know what my friends and I would do with this home swing set and ropes. If my siblings and I had this set when we were young, our parents would have invested in their own ambulance. I don’t want kids to play survival games like we did when we were young. Oh Lord.

*Originally posted on my Facebook page 12/14/2021

Surprise! People Seen Reading in a Bookstore

 A few weeks ago I bought a new wallet. As per standard operating procedure, I waited a while before I went through the task of switching everything from my old wallet to the new one. It’s always a surprise as to what I will find buried inside that I had completely forgotten I had. In this case I discovered a Barnes and Noble gift card. I can’t remember where I got it from or who gave it to me. Anyway, I went to the bookstore and was surprised to see that not only was the store packed, people were buying books. Yes. The lost art of reading seems to be making a comeback— a least from my perspective. It was refreshing to see folks in the comfy chairs with an open book in their hands. I bought a copy of Bhagavad Gita and felt happier because the internet, cell phones, iPads, and online apps have a tenacious, enduring competitor — books.

*Originally posted on my Facebook page 1/15/2022

Urgh! A Memory Returns

Urgh! A Music War came out in 1981. However, I did not see it until years later. The film features bands I like and some I don’t. There are songs here I enjoy live, but I don’t care for the studio version. However, while the film and the album are out of circulation, loyal fans have curated videos of the film on YouTube. Damn, time has flown by. I graduated high school in 1981 and this movie and the music brings me back to the halls of Copiague Senior High School during the age of typical teen rebellion and planning for the future. While I don’t want to wander down a treacly path of nostalgia, I need to pull up the covers and warm myself to the memories of my youth now and then. If you get a chance, look up the videos on YouTube and sink into your teens again. Then look forward to a brighter future.


I often set three or four alarms five minutes apart so I am sure to wake up. However, when asking Siri to set the alarms she relentlessly announces that she set the alarm. Her tone is so triumphant and proud that it annoys me. And telling me that she set the alarm when I can see that it is done is really unnecessary. So, tonight when I was trying to get her to set an alarm she kept congratulating herself for doing so. I told her, rather rudely to shut the f*ck up. So she went
ahead and set a shut the f*ck up alarm for 5:55 am.

Nice Job, Deskjet!


Whenever I replace an ink cartridge, my printer insists on printing a test page. Every time? How about getting it right the first time? What am I supposed to do with these results when they come out? “Nice job, HP Deskjet 2755e! I knew you could do it!” I think it’s nothing but another way for the printer companies to get you to waste ink and buy more. And don’t get me started as to why ink cartridges cost more money than what I spent on the printer.